Tyvärr har lille NICKE, som vi varit så många som tyckt om och engagerat oss i, nu slutat sina dagar. Han fick några månader i sitt riktiga hem i Holland, men till slut sa kroppen ifrån. Ingen vet hur gammal han blev, men han var inte ung. Hur hans liv började och hur han levde sina första år vet vi inte heller, men sista tiden blev i alla fall lycklig och det känns väl nästan som det viktigaste nu.
Brigitte, som adopterade honom berättar så här för Jannis, som haft kontakten med dem efter flytten till Holland.


Hello Jannis

I'm sorry but I have got bad news.
This afternoon we had to let our little Nicky go.

He wasn't feeling very well for a view days, but when he did not wanted to
eat this morning I took him to our vet.

After checking his blood and taking a picture of his chest en abdomnen and
a ECG from his heart , we had to make a choice.
All the result where so bad.
Then for we could make a choice the vet took some fluid out of his chest
and that was blood.
It was 100% surten that Nicky had a tumor that was starting to bleed.
He was bleeding to death inside.

This was a fight that he couldn't win,
Nicky died in my arms this afternoon.
Nicky is home now and in his own little basket and tomorrow he will be

He was only a short time with us, but we will cherish and remember him for


Läs om hur NICKE hittades!
Läs om hans hem i Holland.